AKTF-Jahrestagung 2012 in Trier

International Geographical Union Pre-Conference Symposium

Trier, 22–25 August 2012

Focus: Transforming and Managing Destinations – Tourism and Leisure in a Time of Global Change and Risks

Organised by:
IGU Commission on Tourism, Leisure and Global Change/UGI Géographie du Tourisme et des Loisirs et Changement Global and Working Group Leisure and Tourism Geography of the German Geographic Society/Arbeitskreis Freizeit- und Tourismusgeographie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geographie

Constant change is typical of tourism as a spatial and social phenomenon. Tourist destinations, activities, products, segments, mobilities etc. are constantly changing and they are also transforming the physical, social, cultural and economic environment of tourism. This dualistic nature of tourism has contributed to regional development and economic growth, in general, but also created challenges and problems to environment. In addition, the intensified global change, including globalisation, has created risks for tourism development and tourist destinations. All this calls for better knowledge on tourism and tourism development and management, and also more sustainable practices in growth management.

The overall purpose of this symposium is to discuss the transformation of tourism as a geographical idea and the management of tourist destinations in a time of intensified global changes and evolving risks.

The symposium is organised in 11 sessions analysing the main idea under different angles and approaches:

I    Global risks and risk management in tourism
II   Challenges for the positioning of tourist destinations
III  Governance aspects in destination development
IV   ICT related challenges in tourism
V    War Memorials and Tourism
VI   Local communities and small tourism businesses: Inequalities and exclusion in tourism development
VII  Tourism in rural areas
VIII Innovations in tourism development
IX   Transformation processes in tourism destinations
X    Tourism heritage in change
XI   Achieving sustainability in tourism

The conference proceedings were published as volume 7 of the Studien zur Freizeit- und Tourismusforschung.

The programme as well as the book of abstracts and the registration form can be downloaded here:
Download Programme

Download Book of Abstracts

Closing session

Das ruhig gelegene Tagungshotel „Stadtwaldhotel“ als Rahmenbedingung für intensiven wissenschaftlichen Austausch
Vorträge, intensive Diskussionen…
… aber auch angeregte Gespräche an den Abenden…
…einschließlich einer Fahrt auf einem originalgetreu nachgebauten Römerweinschiff

… aber auch eine Exkursion zur Inwertsetzung des römischen Kulturerbes an der Mosel gehörten zum Programm.