Organizational Structure

Arbeitskreis Tourismusforschung (AKTF)

The Working Group on Tourism Research (AKTF) of the German Association of Geographers (DGfG), was founded in 1985 under the name: Working Group for “Leisure and Tourism Geography” at the 45th German Geographers’ Day in Berlin. Since 2013 the working group is a registered association and since 2014 a registered NGO.

According to the statutes of the working group following institutions are included in its organizational structure:

Annual General Assembly

The general assembly, which is summoned in writing by the executive board, takes place once a year. The agenda includes: electing a new executive board and a new extended board, the board’s activity and finance report, possible amendments of the statutes. Resolutions are made by a simple majority of the valid votes of those present.

Executive Board and Extended Board

The executive board consists of three ordinary members. These are the chairman of board , the first and second deputy chairman. The board manages the association and is authorized to summon the general assembly, to introduce departments, to appoint a treasurer and where applicable also a managing director. The board and extended board jointly execute ordinary board meetings. The board is extended a three year tenure.
